World Adoption Day and Updates
Today, November 9th, is world adoption day. It is a day marked with incredible happiness for some and indescribable grief for others. Our adoption journey thus far has been filled with highs and lows. Highs of incredible God lead stories and lows of fatigue/burn out. For our family, adoption has always been prayed about. We have talked about it since we first started dating (13 years ago today) and asked God to reveal his timing to us. We have been a "waiting family" with our adoption agency now for 2 months. We are not in a rush and fully trust and know with peace that this is all in God's perfect timing. We know that this child is already perfectly planned for our family. There have been so many amazing stories, connections, and friendships made thus far through our journey. We have learned so much about adoption and are always happy to share our knowledge with others. We are also not blind to the challenges of adoption. Our burn out and fatigue with paperwork and fundraising (that feels like a full time job) is nothing in comparison to the heart wrenching emotions felt by expectant mommas. Adoption is beautiful... and for us, God driven, but it is born out of loss and tragedy. We pray daily for expectant moms/families. Through our adoption process, our biggest hope is that these moms, families, and children feel and see even a glimpse of how loved they truly are! Join us today in praying and thinking about families affected by adoption.
Our updates:
-We have been a "waiting family" now for 2 months
-We have $9,500 left to fundraise
-We had amazing fundraisers recently (Auction and bbq event at Cultivate Coffee, Thanks a latte market day)
-We received a scholarship from our adoption agency Christian Adoption Services for $1,000!
-We are waiting to hear back from 2 grants. One of them is a matching grant!
How you can help:
-Prayers for our fundraising, for our adoption agency, for our future child and for their birth mom
-Share our Love Relentless LLC products with friends and family! These make amazing Christmas gifts.
Send us a message, email, or visit or Etsy shop to order.
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